Fuelling Procedures

Gasoline fuel and fumes are extremely hazardous! Fuel and fumes need only a single spark to cause an explosion or to start a blaze. Spilled fuel is also extremely harmful to marine life.

The following is a step-by-step guide that you should follow when refueling a boat:

Before Fueling

  • Moor the boat securely;
  • Shut down all engines;
  • Ensure that all passengers are off the vessel during fueling;
  • Extinguish all open flames;
  • Do not smoke in the fueling area;
  • Switch off all electrical equipment;
  • Close all doors, windows, and ports;
  • Place your on board fire extinguisher within easy reach; and
  • Move all portable tanks ashore (never fuel a portable tank in the boat).


During Fueling

  • Hold the fuel nozzle firmly against the boat’s filler pipe to prevent a build-up of static electricity; and
  • Know how much fuel your tank can hold and do not overfill it — you have a duty to prevent fuel spills.


After Fueling

  • Clean up any spillage if necessary;
  • Open doors, hatches and ports;
  • Place your portable tanks back in the boat. All portable fuel tanks should be kept away from sparks and heat and stowed in a well-ventilated location;
  • Operate your vessel’s engine compartment blower for at least four (4) minutes immediately before starting up the engine (for inboard gasoline engine only);
  • Check for vapours from the engine compartment before you start up the engine; and
  • Sniff for vapour odours in bilges and cabins.
REMEMBER: You should always run the blower for at least 4 minutes before starting an inboard engine.
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