Proper Lookout

There are many distractions on the water at any given time. As an operator it is important to constantly keep a proper lookout and share the waterways with common sense, care and attention.


Collision Regulation (Rule 5) states that all operators of a pleasure craft shall at all times :

  • Maintain a constant look-out for potential collision hazards;
  • Use sight and hearing to detect and avoid any risk of collision with another vessel;
  • Use any available means including sight, hearing, (radar and radio, if applicable) to make a full appraisal of whether a collision risk exists;
  • Listen for sound signals from other vessels; and
  • Watch for signals that indicate distress and need of assistance.

You should assign another person on board to act as a lookout at all times when a vessel is underway.

REMEMBER: Every vessel should maintain a proper lookout by using sight, hearing and all other appropriate means (including radar, radio etc. if available).