Marine Certificates - Proof of Competency
A list of all marine certificates that are recognised in Canada,
What is acceptable proof of competency in Canada?
In Canada, operating a boat with a motor for recreational purposes requires proof of competency. This means you must demonstrate your basic understanding of safe boat operation and emergency response. This applies to all types of motors, including electric trolling motors, even when the motor is not in use, such as when sailing.
A number of documents can serve as proof of competency, including:
- Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC). Please note that a paper or electronic copy of a PCOC is not acceptable.
- A certificate from a Canadian boating safety course completed prior to April 1, 1999.
- A professional marine certificate or equivalent (list of certificates below).
- A completed Rental Boat Safety Checklist, which is valid only for the rental period.
- For visitors to Canada, an operator card or other document that meets the requirements of their home state or country.
List of Marine Certificates accepted as proof of competency:
The following list of Marine Certificates are accepted as proof of competency by Transport Canada. They include over 90 professional certificates, courses, and equivalencies directly related to operating a vessel.
Note: If you hold a marine certificate you must carry the certificate on board while operating a vessel.
Under the Marine Certification Regulations:
- Master Mariner
- Master Intermediate Voyage
- Master Local Voyage
- First Mate
- Intermediate Voyage
- First Mate, Local Voyage
- Watchkeeping Mate, ship
- Restricted
- Watchkeeping Mate, ship
- Watchkeeping Mate,
- MODU /Surface
- Watchkeeping Mate,
- MODU /Self-elevating
- Watchkeeping Mate,
- MODU /Inland Master, Ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, local voyage
- Master, Limited
- First Mate, Limited
- Fishing Master, First Class
- Fishing Master,
- Second class
- Fishing Master, Third Class
- Fishing Master, Fourth Class
- Certificate of service as master of a ship of not more than 1600 tons, gross tonnage
- Certificate of service as master of a fishing vessel of not more than 100 tons, gross tonnage
- Bridge Watchman
- Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats
- Master, limited for a pleasure yacht of more than 20 m in length
- Master, limited for a short-run ferry
- Master, limited for an intermediate run, ferry
- First Mate, limited for a short-run ferry
- First Mate, limited for an intermediate run ferry
Under the Marine Personnel Regulations:
- Master Mariner
- Master, Near Coastal
- Master 3000 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal
- Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal
- Master 3000 Gross Tonnage, Domestic
- Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Domestic
- Master 150 Gross Tonnage, Domestic
- Master, Inland Waters
- Master, Ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage
- Master, Ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, inland waters voyage
- Certificate of Service as Master of a Steamship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage
- Master, Long Run Ferry
- Master, Intermediate Run Ferry
- Master, Short Run Ferry
- First Mate, Inland Waters
- First Mate, Long Run Ferry
- First Mate, Intermediate Run Ferry
- First Mate, Short Run Ferry
- Master, Limited for a Vessel of 60 Gross Tonnage or More
- Master, Limited for a Vessel of less than 60 Gross Tonnage
- Master 3000 Gross Tonnage, Domestic limited to a near coastal voyage, Class 2 if the voyage is a “minor Waters Voyage” as defined in the Canada Shipping Act, in the version that was in force immediately before coming into force of the Act
- Chief Mate
- Chief Mate, Near Coastal
- Watchkeeping Mate
- Watchkeeping Mate, Near Coastal
- Chief Mate 500 Gross Tonnage, Domestic
- Chief Mate 150 Gross Tonnage, Domestic
- Chief Mate, Limited for a Vessel of 60 Gross Tonnage or More
- Chief Mate, Limited for a Vessel of less than 60 Gross Tonnage
- Second mate, Inland Waters
- Fishing Master, First Class
- Fishing Master, Second Class
- Fishing Master, Third Class
- Fishing Master, Fourth Class
- Certificate of Service as Master of a Fishing Vessel of less than 60 gross Tonnage
- Certificate of Service as Watchkeeping Mate of a Fishing Vessel of less than 100 Gross Tonnage
- Fishing Master
- Fishing Master, Restricted
- Fishing Mate
- Watchkeeping mate, Fishing
- Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boat
- Bridge Watch Rating
- Offshore Installation Manager, MOU /surface
- Offshore Installation Manager, MOU /self-elevating
- Barge Supervisor, MOU /surface
- Barge Supervisor, MOU /self-elevating
- Watchkeeping officer of a fishing vessel of not more than 150 gross tonnage and less than 24 metres in overall length
- Watchkeeping Mate of a fishing vessel of less than 24 m in length overall
- Certificate of service as Watchkeeping Mate of a fishing vessel of less than 24 metres in length
Under the Masters and Mates Examination Regulations:
- Master, Foreign-going
- Master, Foreign-going Certificate of Service
- Master Home Trade, First Mate Foreign-going
- Master, Home Trade
- Master, ship not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade or inland waters
- Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage
- First Mate, Foreign-going
- First Mate Home Trade, Second Mate Foreign-going
- First Mate, Home Trade
- Second Mate, Foreign-going
- Watchkeeping Mate
- Second Mate, Home Trade
- Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage
- Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, inland waters voyage
- Certificate of Service as Master of a steamship not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage
- Second Mate, Inland Waters
- Master, Minor Waters
Training Certificates:
- Basic Safety and Operator Proficiency for Small Non-Pleasure Craft in Sheltered Waters (MED A4) issued under the Marine Certification Regulations
- Small Vessel Operator Proficiency ( SVOP ) training certificate issued under the Marine Personnel Regulations or a SVOP card issued by Transport Canada
- International Certificate of Competency issued by International Yacht Training Worldwide
- Day Skipper Sail and Day Skipper Power training certificates issued by International Sail and Power Academy Inc.
- Basic Powerboat and Basic Cruising training certificates issued by Sail Canada
- Basic Outboard Standard training certificate issued by Sail Canada
Other Equivalencies:
- Basic Safety and Operator Proficiency for Small Non-Pleasure Craft in Sheltered Waters (MED A4) issued under the Marine Certification Regulations
- Small Vessel Operator Proficiency ( SVOP ) training certificate issued under the Marine Personnel Regulations or a SVOP card issued by Transport Canada
- International Certificate of Competency issued by International Yacht Training Worldwide
- Day Skipper Sail and Day Skipper Power training certificates issued by International Sail and Power Academy Inc.
- Basic Powerboat and Basic Cruising training certificates issued by Sail Canada
- Basic Outboard Standard training certificate issued by Sail Canada
Canadian Coast Guard endorsements, certificates and training courses:
- Coast Guard Watchkeeping endorsement or Coast Guard Watchkeeping Certificate
- Coast Guard Command endorsement or Coast Guard Command Certificate
- Coast Guard Small Vessel Command endorsement or Coast Guard Small Vessel Command Course Certificate
- Fast Rescue Craft Course
- Rigid Hull Inflatable Operator Training
- Small Craft Operator – Advanced / RHIOT
- Small Craft Training
- Small Craft Operator – Basic
Department of National Defense Certificates and Training Courses:
- Upper Deck Watchkeeping
- Destroyer Navigating Officer
- Surface Ship Command
- Patrol Vessel Command
- Bridge Watchkeeping
- Deep Draught Officer or Fleet Navigating Officer
- Minor War vessel or Surface Ship Command (after 1997)
- Royal Canadian Navy Boat Coxswain Course

Transport Canada approved Boater Safety Course is free.
Take the course in your own time and risk free.
Other providers try to get you to pay upfront before you even have a chance to try out their course!


ACCREDITED.® is accredited by Transport Canada to deliver boating safety courses and administer tests for the issuance of Pleasure Craft Operator Cards, including replacement cards, under the Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations.