® | Official Canadian Boating License

Lifejacket / PFD Sizing

Always try on your lifejacket or PFD:

  • One lady wearing an example of the correct size lifejacket and another lady wearing an example of an incorrect size lifejacket.Make sure it fits comfortably;
  • Fasten all straps, zippers and ties and raise your arms over your head to see if it stays in place; and
  • Ask someone to lift your lifejacket or PFD straight up at the shoulders. If it fits properly, the jacket will stay in place. If the zipper touches your nose or the jacket almost comes off, it is too loose.


A properly fitted PFD should:

  • Fit snug and allow free movement; and
  • Not ride higher than the wearer’s ears or mouth.
REMEMBER: A PFD that is too small may not support the person’s weight if the person falls overboard.

Study Guide