® | Official Canadian Boating License

Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations

The Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (VORR) regulate the operation of small vessels on specific bodies of water in Canada.

These regulations may :

  • Impose shoreline speed zones (both posted and unposted);
  • Restrict the maximum horsepower on powerboats; and
  • Prohibit certain types of vessels from a body of water.

For instance, a body of water may be restricted to only non-powered boats, such as canoes and sailboats. It is the operator’s responsibility to be familiar with the waterways in which they boat and know the location of these restrictions (posted and unposted) and follow them.

Some provinces have adopted speed limits of 10 km/h within 30m of the shoreline. This speed limit applies in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the inland waters of British Columbia and Nova Scotia. This limit is in effect whether it is posted or not.

Exceptions include:

  • Water skiing, where the towboat follows a course perpendicular to the shoreline when leaving or returning;
  • Where buoys designate that another speed is permitted;
  • In rivers less than 100m wide; and
  • In waters where the regulations prescribe another speed limit.
REMEMBER: The maximum speed within 30 meters of shore in most Canadian Provinces is 10km/h.

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